









Updates and fixes ✨

  • Fixed issue where the hand pointer was missing when Manage Milestones is available, ensuring a smoother user experience.
  • Improved the order of permissions for better logical organization.
  • Corrected the tooltip for "Update Team Member Permission To" for accurate information.
  • Enhanced the empty state message when opening the notifications panel for clearer communication.
  • Limited prospective inviting to prospective team members and only within one's own team, ensuring better control and privacy.
  • Categorized managers and prospective team members into sections for easier navigation (video).
  • Implemented restrictions on invite and permission changes, providing more secure management.
  • Added missing notification about status change, ensuring users stay informed.
  • Included missing project notifications, keeping users updated on project activities.
  • Added a checkbox for setting a template workspace, allowing for easier workspace creation.
  • Set Kanban as the default view, while preserving the last state per project for user convenience.
  • Updated the "Add/Connect Model" button to offer two options: New Model and New Version, making it more intuitive.
  • Improved cursor and hand icons in the task modal for better clarity.
  • Updated the example for checking on element level vs container level, especially for poorly structured IFC files, providing clearer guidance.
  • Fixed Library lists Workspace names to display actual names instead of hard-coded "Templates" and "Projects" (for both Docs and Scope), ensuring accurate labeling.
  • Ensured the manage option inside the dropdown is linked to "Manage Milestones" for easier access.
  • Resolved the issue where "Update Team Member Permission To" didn't work when set to either "Viewers only" OR "Equal or lower", ensuring proper functionality.
  • By default, new team members in prospective teams will now be prospective, and the permissions dropdown selection will be removed when team members are in a prospective team, simplifying the process.
  • Prospective team members cannot invite team members to their own team by default role, enhancing team member management.
  • Updated the "Invite Team Members" for prospective role to be set to "To OWN team", improving clarity.
  • Enhanced the options in the "Edit Plan Sections" feature, providing five options for different use cases: All Assigned to User + All Unassigned, All Unassigned, Assigned Only, None - Prospective and Editor default permission is now set to "Assigned to User + All Unassigned".
  • Restricted users from changing certain permissions for Prospective role: Manage Project Settings, Manage Teams, Invite Team Members (To Own team), Team Member Visibility, Team Visibility, Manage Plan Documents, Manage SmartFields, ensuring proper control over project management.
  • Linked the "Change Plan Section Statuses" feature to only the sections that the user has edit permissions for, via the "Edit Plan Sections" permission, streamlining the workflow.