
Follow up on the latest improvements andΒ updates.







πŸ«‚ Groups column and updates to IFC Library

Group has become a distinct field now πŸš€
Also check out the Library of information requirements for IFC properties - it includes all Psets as a group, not just as a tag!
When you define a Group, the verification rules also ensure the property is correctly placed within the right Group/Pset.
Introducing the ability to use "Entity Type" and "Subtitle" for Model Linking Rules
  • Enhanced Linking Capabilities: Now, in addition to linking task names or codes, users can effortlessly link entity type and subtitle, to model elements based on any property+value for streamlined information requirements checking.
Check the video for more:







Custom IDS Export Settings

New "Custom Settings" for IDS Exports now cover options that some IDS-receiving systems may not support.
Currently, this comprises:
  1. Export with Classifications
  2. Export with "NoPsetDefined" for missing Property Sets/Groups
Once Model/Task Rules are part of the IDS applicability criteria, this option will be accessible here too.
We've now added support for "non-concatenating" classifications - you can set this up in your project settings right here!
Check out the video link below where we dive into how classification structures work in Plannerly and how you can customize them.
Each structure in the library comes with a coding system that you can easily turn on or off in your view preferences. While some structures need concatenation (where parent codes combine with children codes for a hierarchy), there are options for non-concatenated hierarchies too.
By tweaking the coding style in your project settings, you get to decide if codes cascade down the hierarchy or stay put at their levels. This means you can now apply scope coding to ANY classification structure, making it easy to handle hierarchies like 100 > 110 > 111 with different logic at each level.











Updates and fixes ✨

πŸŽ‰ Loads of improvements to your Timeline features! πŸš€
  • CSS changes in timeline have significantly reduced the size of standalone CSS-bundles, resulting in faster load times! πŸ’¨
  • Say goodbye to uncaught errors in populateEventMenu when dropping an event on the first resource! πŸ™Œ
  • getDateConstraints() bounds now work correctly with non-rounded time in start/end dates! ⏰
  • Dependencies are now refreshed properly after dropping an event on non-working time! πŸ”„
  • Adding a new tree node with empty children no longer throws an exception! 🌳
  • Effort-driven + fixed duration now work flawlessly when set initially at the data level! ⏳
  • GroupSummary data updates seamlessly on event deletion! πŸ—‘οΈ
  • Components now render into containers not already in the DOM! πŸ—οΈ
  • Time zone conversion support has been added, making it easier to work across different time zones! ⏰🌍
  • We're thrilled to introduce new locales for 31 languages! 🌐
  • Fixed Events are now rendered accurately according to the timezone when the scheduler has a timezone! ⏰🌍
  • Scrolling close to edges no longer hides highlightEventCalendars! πŸ“œ
  • The highlighted region now has the correct position when the taskRecord is set! ✨
  • The height of the highlighted task timespan now adjusts with the height of the rows! πŸ“
  • eventRecord.set now works consistently for preamble/postamble! πŸ“
  • Milestones are now rendered correctly! 🏁
  • EventEdit feature is now enabled in the Timeline if any features config is provided! ✍️
  • No more exceptions thrown after rejecting conflicting changes! 🚫
  • scrollEventIntoView now handles nested events flawlessly! πŸ”„
  • DST Adjustment issue adding 1h on events has been resolved! ⏰
  • Adding workingTime no longer causes the event tooltip to start from the eventBuffer start date! πŸ•
  • The summary no longer "disappears" on double click in vertical mode! ✨
  • Params are now retained when defined in class config! πŸŽ›οΈ
  • Panel collapse animation has been improved when the collapsed panel header is perpendicular to expanded! πŸ“¦
  • Automatic dependency setting now works seamlessly after resetting the events array! πŸ”„
  • StateProvider no longer throws during component construction! 🚫
  • TypeError in Timeline on Drag/Drop event has been fixed! πŸ›
  • applyProjectChanges now properly accounts for the mapped id field! βœ…
  • Scheduler drag to create on a linked record now works flawlessly! πŸ“…
  • No more crashes when resizing an event being created! πŸ“
  • Event record no longer disappears after changing to zero duration! ⏰
  • Wrong endDate when dragging events over days at which DST/STD changes has been fixed! ⏰
  • Store exception event triggered when creating a new event with the backend used has been resolved! πŸ› οΈ
  • Rendering content from eventRenderer no longer disappears when scrolling! πŸ“œ
  • Adding non-working intervals dynamically now properly recalculates tasks! πŸ”„
  • No more infinite requests if the server response is malformed! 🚫
  • Non-working days are now correctly painted after adding a calendar interval programmatically! πŸ“…
  • Time axis cells are no longer recycled when making the schedule area small! πŸ“
  • Radiobuttons are now circular in small popups! β—―
  • Dragging resources to the last row no longer causes a crash in grouping! πŸ”„
We hope you enjoy these updates and enhancements! Happy scheduling! πŸŽ‰











Updates and fixes ✨

Check out the latest improvements in your recent update:
  • Improved stability by addressing crashes in the task editor.
  • Enhanced user experience through fixes in panel collapse icon directions.
  • Ensured enhanced data accuracy by resolving issues with group footers.
  • Fixed resource management failures for better performance.
  • Resolved compatibility errors with the store instance in ProjectModel definition.
  • Fixed data loading errors for seamless experience.
  • Addressed exceptions in event tree store for enhanced event management.
  • Resolved errors in date field formatting for improved visual design.
  • Ensured reachability of dependency terminals for segmented events.
  • Addressed narrow width issues of task editor in classic themes.
  • Fixed errors in event selection and removal for improved event management.
  • Resolved console errors for preventable beforeAdd event on dependency store.
  • Fixed rendering issues in PDF export for better quality.
  • Enhanced responsiveness by ensuring Timeline resizes with the container.
  • Improved user experience by fixing task editor glitches.
  • Resolved issues with resourceTimeRanges feature for better feature behavior.
  • Provided better guidance on formatting currency values in the documentation.
  • Ensured custom layout function has a reference to the scheduler for enhanced layout customization.
  • Fixed errors triggered by changing time by dragging an event.
  • Addressed issues related to data protection and event editing.
  • Fixed issues with grouping behavior and UI refresh.
  • Ensured correct event rendering and display for nested events.
  • Fixed drag and drop issues and improved event tooltips.
  • Resolved issues related to STM usage, PDF export, and event handling.
  • Enhanced mobile experience and fixed fullscreen issues on mobile Safari.
  • Addressed exceptions and improved task editor functionality.
  • Fixed issues related to grid resizing and typings.
  • Enhanced conflict resolution and autoSync behavior.
  • Ensured correct time axis refreshing and fixed LWC issues.
  • Enhanced task editor and event editing features.
  • Resolved crashes and rendering issues for better data management.
  • Fixed disabled items and dependency editing issues.
Stay updated with the latest improvements and enjoy a smoother experience with our latest release!










Updates and fixes ✨

We are thrilled to announce the latest release of our product, packed with exciting updates and bug fixes! Here are the highlights:
  • Improved configurability of the
  • Resolved crashes when assigning resources in a grouped Scheduler.
  • Fixed issues with incorrect data saving when creating new events.
  • Addressed exceptions during event drag actions.
  • Enhanced functionality of
    when adding resources.
  • Improved drag-n-drop behavior when
    is enabled.
  • Added support for HEX values in event segment colors.
  • Fixed exceptions when filtering segmented events.
  • Resolved issues with reading properties of
  • Fixed rendering issues with events when using custom time zones.
  • Streamlined transaction recording during drag-create and task edit actions.
  • Corrected time span highlight behavior.
  • Improved scrollability of the event editor body.
  • Fixed event end date inconsistencies during manual edits.
  • Restored "Edit Task" option in the Event Menu.
  • Fixed export issue with minified UMD bundle.
  • Updated Resource Histogram behavior during zooming and shifting.
  • Addressed RTL date display issues with infinite scroll.
  • Resolved disappearing Task Editor when entering invalid times.
  • Restored missing
    member in the EventTooltip feature.
  • Fixed text color issues during event hover.
  • Restored drag-select and drag & drop functionality of parent events.
  • Fixed inconsistencies with Timelines when filtering non-working time.
  • Reverted event drag & drop actions when
  • Ensured consistent event menu actions for multiple selections.
  • Fixed rendering issues with Timeaxis and
  • Improved event menu copy/cut/paste actions for multiple events.
  • Enabled dragging events dropped from the grid with
  • Correctly handled timezones in Scheduler.
  • Displayed resource calendar when using nested events.
  • Adjusted type flexibility for
  • Fixed availability of
    after reverting changes.
  • Ensured proper functionality of NestedEvents in vertical mode.
  • Triggered
    event as expected.
  • Resolved errors during the load function after dragging.
  • Repainted invisible cells with correct data.
  • Properly applied event segment
We hope these updates enhance your experience with our product. Happy scheduling!











Updates and fixes ✨

  • Added buttons (on hover) to scope items! Now it's easier to navigate and manage your items. Celebrate! πŸŽ‰
  • Exciting news! You can now add new items to the bottom of your list. No more searching for the right spot. Get ready to conquer! πŸ’ͺ
  • Good news for Managers! You now have the ability to edit scope descriptions. We've got you covered. Done! βœ…
  • Fixed the problem with checking the "name" property in Verify. Verified! βœ”οΈ
  • We heard you! Big optimization. Users can now delete Information Requirements assigned to over 1500 elements without any problem. Boom! πŸ’₯
  • Exporting just got better! Images on exports are now the right size, matching what you see in Doc view. Perfectly presented! πŸ“₯
  • No more blank pages! We fixed the issue where blank pages were showing up at the beginning of sections when exporting. Everything looks seamless now. Thumbs up! πŸ‘
  • We apologize for the inconvenience! The "This is embarrassing" error will no longer show up when deleting multiple information requirements at once. Hooray! πŸ™Œ
  • URLs updated from /plan to /docs for a more streamlined experience. Connect globally! 🌐
  • Attention to detail! We've updated the file manager icon for a modern and polished look. It's all about the little things. Professional! πŸ’Ό
  • Customer satisfaction is our priority! Customers can now duplicate scope task rows. A time-saving feature. Start duplicating! ⏱️
  • We take care of the details! We fixed the zero issue with model rules. No more zero troubles! βœ…
  • We added missing data in the Excel export. All the information you need at your fingertips. Keep it organized! πŸ“‹
  • Good news! We fixed a bug with pasting images into Formatted Content SmartField. Now it displays perfectly. Sparkling! ✨
  • Attention to detail! We fixed a little issue with comments by a prospective team member. Everything is working smoothly now. Jot down your thoughts! ✏️
  • We've updated the tooltip to make it clear that certain elements are editable but not visible for viewers. Clarity is important. Enhance understanding! ℹ️
  • We understand the confusion. We believe that moving the module visibility from prospective teams to the role permission, even if just for Verify right now, will make things clearer. Let's simplify the process. Smooth it out! πŸ”„
  • New addition! We've included "Team member visibility - 'none'" to the permissions. Customize your team's access. Enhance collaboration! πŸ‘₯
  • We heard you! Prospective team members should not be able to change roles, even when on non-prospective teams. We've got you covered. Sorted! βœ…
  • Attention non-managers! We've introduced a read-only permissions modal just for you. Stay informed without the ability to make changes. Keep it secure! πŸ”’
  • We've added a separate permission for adding signatories. Manage your signatories with ease. Sign with confidence! πŸ–‹οΈ
  • Issue resolved! "Assign Members to Tasks" now says "Assign Teams and Team Members to Tasks" for better clarity.
  • Updated tooltip! "Ability to assign Teams and Team Members to Scope tasks" for better understanding. Stay in control of your team's assignments. Know it all! ℹ️
  • Attention to detail! We fixed the missing dropdown triangle on the profile/team member dropdown. Small but important. Complete it! β–Ό
  • We fixed the issue with Team Member assignment to tasks βœ…
  • Managers, we've got you covered! You are now allowed to reorder teams without any issues.











Updates and fixes ✨

  • Synchronized model names in Plannerly when changed in ACC/BIM360, ensuring consistency across platforms.
  • Corrected the positioning of the prospective pill, ensuring it is displayed at the appropriate height for prospective team members.
  • Optimized the order of roles and permissions to provide a more logical flow, with permissions decreasing accordingly.
  • Added a "None" option to the Teams dropdown, providing users with more flexibility in selecting teams.
  • Introduced a "Manage Roles" option in the dropdown to easily access and modify role settings through the Manage Roles modal.
  • Resolved the issue of duplicated Category and section titles when exporting to Word.
  • Eliminated the display of "revit Identity Data::Type Name" to streamline the interface.
  • Fixed the visibility of images when a group is placed at the root of a template.
  • Addressed the problem where users were unable to remove themselves from a project.
  • Implemented a message to inform users of a delay from Autodesk in processing a model: "Autodesk is still processing this model."
  • Made spacing adjustments to the header for improved readability.
  • Added "Model Rules Name=Type Name" for default free projects, enhancing the default project settings.
  • Updated the Property Group on the tooltip box, ensuring it updates immediately when hovering over the eyes icon.
  • Resolved the accessibility issue of contracts with commas, making them accessible to users.
  • Fixed an issue related to checking specific numeric parameters.
  • Updated the email subject line format to "<project name> - <first name of sender> - <task, comment, replied etc>" for clearer communication.
  • Implemented indexing after the process, eliminating the need to wait for a page visit.
  • Notified users with a popup message stating "you will get an email when the model has been processed," and sent an email upon completion.
  • Updated emails with new dark blue logo to match brand update.
  • Enhanced the user interface by displaying both the icon and name on the selected item when not selecting.
  • Fixed the issue of encountering an error and missing the dropdown triangle on the Milestone selector when checking an info requirement in the Manage Tasks modal.
  • Resolved the problem of Summary email notifications not being sent in specific cases.
  • Fixed the inability to export scope to Excel.
  • Made two minor updates to the IDS export for improved functionality.
  • Increased the icon size for better visibility of new profile icons.
  • Fixed the bug preventing the deletion of template projects from the template account.
  • Resolved a printing bug when adding scope in a project.
  • Fixed tooltip clashes, ensuring they display correctly without overlapping.
  • Implemented automatic deletion of demo models when a user upgrades from Free to a paid plan.











Updates and fixes ✨

  • Fixed issue where the hand pointer was missing when Manage Milestones is available, ensuring a smoother user experience.
  • Improved the order of permissions for better logical organization.
  • Corrected the tooltip for "Update Team Member Permission To" for accurate information.
  • Enhanced the empty state message when opening the notifications panel for clearer communication.
  • Limited prospective inviting to prospective team members and only within one's own team, ensuring better control and privacy.
  • Categorized managers and prospective team members into sections for easier navigation (video).
  • Implemented restrictions on invite and permission changes, providing more secure management.
  • Added missing notification about status change, ensuring users stay informed.
  • Included missing project notifications, keeping users updated on project activities.
  • Added a checkbox for setting a template workspace, allowing for easier workspace creation.
  • Set Kanban as the default view, while preserving the last state per project for user convenience.
  • Updated the "Add/Connect Model" button to offer two options: New Model and New Version, making it more intuitive.
  • Improved cursor and hand icons in the task modal for better clarity.
  • Updated the example for checking on element level vs container level, especially for poorly structured IFC files, providing clearer guidance.
  • Fixed Library lists Workspace names to display actual names instead of hard-coded "Templates" and "Projects" (for both Docs and Scope), ensuring accurate labeling.
  • Ensured the manage option inside the dropdown is linked to "Manage Milestones" for easier access.
  • Resolved the issue where "Update Team Member Permission To" didn't work when set to either "Viewers only" OR "Equal or lower", ensuring proper functionality.
  • By default, new team members in prospective teams will now be prospective, and the permissions dropdown selection will be removed when team members are in a prospective team, simplifying the process.
  • Prospective team members cannot invite team members to their own team by default role, enhancing team member management.
  • Updated the "Invite Team Members" for prospective role to be set to "To OWN team", improving clarity.
  • Enhanced the options in the "Edit Plan Sections" feature, providing five options for different use cases: All Assigned to User + All Unassigned, All Unassigned, Assigned Only, None - Prospective and Editor default permission is now set to "Assigned to User + All Unassigned".
  • Restricted users from changing certain permissions for Prospective role: Manage Project Settings, Manage Teams, Invite Team Members (To Own team), Team Member Visibility, Team Visibility, Manage Plan Documents, Manage SmartFields, ensuring proper control over project management.
  • Linked the "Change Plan Section Statuses" feature to only the sections that the user has edit permissions for, via the "Edit Plan Sections" permission, streamlining the workflow.
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