









Updates and fixes ✨

  • Synchronized model names in Plannerly when changed in ACC/BIM360, ensuring consistency across platforms.
  • Corrected the positioning of the prospective pill, ensuring it is displayed at the appropriate height for prospective team members.
  • Optimized the order of roles and permissions to provide a more logical flow, with permissions decreasing accordingly.
  • Added a "None" option to the Teams dropdown, providing users with more flexibility in selecting teams.
  • Introduced a "Manage Roles" option in the dropdown to easily access and modify role settings through the Manage Roles modal.
  • Resolved the issue of duplicated Category and section titles when exporting to Word.
  • Eliminated the display of "revit Identity Data::Type Name" to streamline the interface.
  • Fixed the visibility of images when a group is placed at the root of a template.
  • Addressed the problem where users were unable to remove themselves from a project.
  • Implemented a message to inform users of a delay from Autodesk in processing a model: "Autodesk is still processing this model."
  • Made spacing adjustments to the header for improved readability.
  • Added "Model Rules Name=Type Name" for default free projects, enhancing the default project settings.
  • Updated the Property Group on the tooltip box, ensuring it updates immediately when hovering over the eyes icon.
  • Resolved the accessibility issue of contracts with commas, making them accessible to users.
  • Fixed an issue related to checking specific numeric parameters.
  • Updated the email subject line format to "<project name> - <first name of sender> - <task, comment, replied etc>" for clearer communication.
  • Implemented indexing after the process, eliminating the need to wait for a page visit.
  • Notified users with a popup message stating "you will get an email when the model has been processed," and sent an email upon completion.
  • Updated emails with new dark blue logo to match brand update.
  • Enhanced the user interface by displaying both the icon and name on the selected item when not selecting.
  • Fixed the issue of encountering an error and missing the dropdown triangle on the Milestone selector when checking an info requirement in the Manage Tasks modal.
  • Resolved the problem of Summary email notifications not being sent in specific cases.
  • Fixed the inability to export scope to Excel.
  • Made two minor updates to the IDS export for improved functionality.
  • Increased the icon size for better visibility of new profile icons.
  • Fixed the bug preventing the deletion of template projects from the template account.
  • Resolved a printing bug when adding scope in a project.
  • Fixed tooltip clashes, ensuring they display correctly without overlapping.
  • Implemented automatic deletion of demo models when a user upgrades from Free to a paid plan.