"access" parameter for "archived" files
Daniel Zignale
Not being able to change "access" for archived files is super frustrating. While we can limit access to people in shared files, once they're archived, if we didn’t set the access beforehand, there’s no way to change it without going through the annoying process of restoring, changing, and re-archiving.
Clive Jordan
Hey Daniel Zignale this current behaviour is actually an intentional feature, though I acknowledge the implementation may not be ideal. The core concept is that archived files should be more resistant to modifications for workflow and security purposes.
However, I understand your frustration with the current approach with access permission limitations. Your suggestion to allow these changes on archived files directly makes sense and could improve the user experience.
I'm curious about your thoughts on this - do you have any specific ideas about how we could better handle permission management for archived files while maintaining appropriate security controls, or just having this history when archived is enough?
Daniel Zignale
Clive Jordan please just think that users arrive during the project and with them access evolve : an initial "all teams" access could be coherent in early phase but then it won't be used anymore and will be replace by more specific access rights dedidacted to teams. Then archived files must follow this principle too!
You could also answer me "don't use all teams access rights and use good rights from the beginning" but well, you know how it works...
Maybe another solution : you could add a trigger in "roles and permissions" to enable/disable the possibily to "View archived files". In this case i would directly disable it for "viewer profiles" to ensure they only have access to uptodate information and the won't find/use old data with old access rights in archives....
Clive Jordan
Daniel Zignale great idea - adding a "View Archived Files" permission could be an interesting solution. We will add this to our internal product discussion. Thank you!